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Men and the Mental Health Stigma

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

Contributed by Tanaziona Lucious

As we take the time to celebrate Father’s Day, we must acknowledge the great need for men’s mental health care in the United States. Research has shown that men are less likely to seek help and therefore be diagnosed or obtain treatment. Thus, many live in silent pain.

At Insight Clinical Trials (ICT), we focus on helping people understand their emotions and thoughts with no judgement or criticism. We understand that mental illness does not discriminate and encourage the men to take the next step in receiving help.

It is important to recognized certain signs that some may exhibit, like:

  • Escapist behavior, such as spending a long period of time working out or spending a lot of time at work

  • Physical symptoms, such as overall pain, digestive problems, or random headaches

  • Abusing alcohol or drugs

  • Controlling, abusive, and or violent behavior

  • Spontaneous anger, aggressiveness, or irritability

  • Reckless activities that can lead to death like reckless driving

  • Having a hard time concentrating or being on edge and or feeling restless

  • A change in appetite, mood, or energy level

It is important to know how to approach someone who is having mental health issue. It is a sensitive topic for most people. Approaching the conversation without making a person feel as though they are being bombarded or trapped is a good way to start.

Some conversation suggestions:

  • Start with an activity they enjoy and bring up the issue during that time. It has been proven that men will share more about their mental health when they are not directly approached about it.

  • Men are more likely to communicate when the conversation isn’t held face to face. Try bringing up the issue during a phone conversation.

  • It is also important to talk using layman’s terms. Using clinical terms and phrases can put them off.

  • Research has also shown that men will eventually talk about their mental health but are just waiting for the right time and conditions.

Each person is unique, and so are the best conditions for the conversation. Some may open up on a camping trip in the wood with his good friends, other’s may during a nice dinner with their significant other.

These conversations may be awkward and difficult to initiate but a person’s mental health is a vital, necessary conversation. The stigma men carry about mental health is a silent battle that doesn’t come with a warning, but there are ways to help alleviate the pain and the hold it has on the person. Take the first step by starting the conversation.

We offer free, confidential mental health screenings at our office in Beachwood, Ohio.

Insight Clinical Trials is one of the leading independent research institutes in Northeast Ohio. With our patients and their families as our first priority, we are dedicated to safe research specializing in mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and other neurological disorders. Contact us today.

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