Spring is a great time of year for you to look at your routine, see what changes you can make, and implement some habits and practical solutions that will help achieve balance going into summer and beyond.
Incorporate Some Wellness into your Routine
It is imperative to take care of your own health. Make certain you have a conversation with your primary care doctor about being a caregiver and any concerns you might have about your own health. Set a goal to establish a good sleep routine and to exercise a certain number of times per week. Try a wearable fitness device that helps you track these things.
Take a Hard Look at your Schedule
If you are overwhelmed (as most caregivers are) take advantage of community resources as much as possible. Consider the National Respite Locator. This online resource provided by Access to Respite Care and Help National Respite Network can help you find adult day care centers and home care services in your area. Schedule some time each week to take care of the things that are important to you.
Get Real With What You Can Do and What You Can Outsource
There are a ton of online resources available. The U.S. government's Eldercare Locator can connect you with your local Area Agency on Aging, which can guide you to resources in your community.
With the Community Resource Finder, an online database from AARP and the Alzheimer's Association, you can find a range of programs and services in your area, from elder law attorneys to help with transportation.
Schedule Time For Yourself
Nurture your positive relationships. Taking the time to talk with your closest friends and family members should be a high priority. Make certain to choose the right listening partner. Limit your interactions with negative people who will only hurt your mood or perspective.
With the days longer and the weather nicer, getting outside can do wonders for you. Make it a priority to get outside in nature a few times per week.
Reset and Be Present
Try practicing the 60-second reset. The next time you feel overwhelmed or stuck, pause. Recognize what you are feeling in that present moment: fear, frustration, anger, doubt. Only identify, don’t try to make the feeling go away. Give yourself 60 seconds to just sit with the identified feeling. During that 60 second countdown focus on everything you can control, your breath, the countdown, your location, your body position. Just be present. Breathe in, breathe out. This engages different parts of your brain allowing it to operate smoothly, rather than overstimulate one emotional part. The 60 seconds reset lets you become reconnected with yourself and the present moment.
Sources: https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/