Memory Screening In Beachwood OH
What Happens During a Memory Screening?
Free. Confidential.
Memory screenings at Insight Clinical Trials are free, confidential, and administered by either our Board-Certified Neurologist or our Certified Dementia Consultant. The participant is not required to bring in any medical records.
The screening is simple, safe and takes approximately a half hour. The participant is asked a series of questions and/or tasks that take a very short time to complete. The cognitive tests are conducted to determine if a more comprehensive medical evaluation is needed. It is NOT used to diagnose any illness and it does NOT replace a consultation with a physician.
After the screening is complete, participants are given a customized memory packet of information that is designed specifically to answer any questions or concerns that arise during the assessment.
A memory screening is the most important step a person can take to discover if they have a memory problem. Some memory problems that are caused by vitamin deficiencies, thyroid issues or depression can by readily treated. Other memory problems might result from causes that are not currently reversible, such as Alzheimer’s disease. In general, the earlier the diagnosis, the easier it is to treat one of these conditions.
If mild cognitive impairment is detected early enough, it could afford a person the opportunity to seek treatments that may slow the memory changes or participate in a clinical trial. It could also allow them the opportunity to take a more active role in developing their health, legal and financial plans.
To schedule your free memory screening, please call 216-526-1843 or complete our online form.